Microsoft Windows Shell Command Injection - MS12-048

CVE-2012-0175 Background Windows File Association allows an application to define a handler that should be called for each operation on a specific file type. For example, WinRAR registers the file type .RAR in the following manner: The Open action defined for this file type dictates how the handler should be called upon opening the file. The command that will be executed for this example of WinRAR is: "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" "%1"

From XSLT code execution to Meterpreter shells

This article will describe how to execute high-level code during the processing of a XSL transform, with the goal of obtaining some Meterpreter shells. It applies to any XSLT engine capable of executing high-level code, even if the published code focus on PHP5 (in a non default configuration) and Xalan-J. Two minimalist applications processing arbitrary XML documents and XSLT stylesheets are used as the targets. Functionally, these applications are minimalist

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后台验证: 验证文件:Clkj_Inc\WebOut.asp <% if session("username")<>"" then Set Rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") Sql="select * from clkj_admin where clkj_password='"&request.cookies("userpas")("upas")&"'" sql,conn,1,1 if not (rs.eof and rs.bof) then session("username")=request.cookies("username")("uname") end if else Response.Write "<script language='javas