WordPress Front End Upload v0.5.4.4 Arbitrary PHP File Upload

# Exploit Title: WordPress Front End Upload v0.5.4.4 Arbitrary PHP File Upload Vulnerability # Date: 7/23/12 # Exploit Author: Chris Kellum # Vendor Homepage: http://mondaybynoon.com/ # Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/front-end-upload. # Version: ===================== Vulnerability Details ===================== Plugin does not properly filter filetypes, which allows for the upload of filetypes in the following format: filename.php.jpg Vulnerable hosts will serve such files as a php file, allowing for malicious files to be


关于登录防嗅探 (之前的想法代码实现) Matt |2012-06-29 21:19 之前听xsser提的绑定验证码 实现了一下,觉得挺可行的。。 不会js,代码没技术含量,勿喷。。 打包下