
今天下午太欢乐了。 中午吃完饭,我团队的一位小兄弟发来一个视频链接,跟我说快笑尿了。我一看,这不是《非你莫属》么。 原来“非你莫属2013040


明天又要放假了,突然有点不适应。可惜这假我也放的不轻松,还有3个PPT要在假期写完。 今天就灌点心灵鸡汤吧,虽然鸡汤教主也开公众号了,不过我偶


今天58同城彻底火了,继后台被拿下后,今天又被爆出好几个内部系统的root权限都被拿下了。姚劲波在微博上发消息: “见识了,各位大佬差不多收了

YAJ0: Yet Another Java Zero-Day

Author: Darien Kindlund & Yichong Lin, February 28, 2013 Through our Malware Protection Cloud (MPC), we detected a brand new Java zero-day vulnerability that was used to attack multiple customers. Specifically, we observed successful exploitation against browsers that have Java v1.6 Update 41 and Java v1.7 Update 15 installed. Not like other popular Java vulnerabilities in which security manager can be disabled easily, this vulnerability leads to arbitrary memory read