SHOPEX 4.8.5 注入漏洞以及后台拿SHELL

漏洞文件: 漏洞核心函数 \core\model_v5\trading\mdl.goods.php function gnotify($goods_id=0,$product_id=0){ if($_POST['goods']['goods_id']){ $goods_id = $_POST['goods']['goods_id']; $product_id = $_POST['goods']['product_id']; } $this->id =$goods_id; $objGoods = &$this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); $aProduct = $objGoods->getProducts($goods_id, $product_id);// 直接带进去了 $this->pagedata['goods'] = $aProduct[0]; if($this->member[member_id]){ $objMember = &$this->system->loadModel('member/member'); $aMemInfo = $objMember->getFieldById($this->member[member_id], array('email')); $this->pagedata['member'] = $aMemInfo; } $this->output(); } \core\shop\controller\ctl.product.php 文件调用 漏洞代码 public function getProducts( $gid, $pid = 0

视频:上古卷轴5 天际 主题曲 Remix (JasonYang小提琴版本)

An acoustic and electric violin cover of two of my favorite themes from Skyrim. Arranged and performed by Jason Yang. Original soundtrack by Jeremy Soule. I've been a huge fan of Bethesda's games for years and Skyrim is one of the best games I've ever played. That, along with the fact that the game's soundtrack is amazing, was more than enough inspiration for me to create this video. So this