
ASP读取网址/Url列表并随机跳转: <% File=Server.Mappath("UrlList.txt") '网址列表路径 Set Fs=server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Fso读写组件 Set Txt=Fs.Opentextfile(file,1,true) '打开 If Not Txt.Atendofstream Then P=Split(txt.readall, vbcrlf) '分割为数组 Randomize '纯随机,不重复 Response.redirect P(Int((UBound(P) * Rnd) + 1)-1)

【Asp】ASP 将一段字符串进行Base64解码

ASP Base64解码: Function Bd(byVal si) 'Base64解码 For n=1 To Len(si) Step 4 a=md(Mid(si,n,1)) b=md(Mid(si,n+1,1)) c=md(Mid(si,n+2,1)) d=md(Mid(si,n+3,1)) If b>=0 Then s=s+Chr(((a*4+Int(b/16)) And 255)) If c>=0 Then s=s+Chr(((b*16+Int(c/4)) And 255)) If d>=0 Then s=s+Chr(((c*64+d) And 255)) Next bd=s End Function Function Md(byVal s) B64C="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" If Len(s)=0 Then md=-1 Exit Function Else md=InStr(B64C,s)-1 End If End Function


ASP获取硬盘/磁盘超详细信息/列表: <% SET F=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For Each D in F.Drives Response.Write D.DriveLetter & chr(9) '盘符 Response.Write D.Path & chr(9) '磁盘路径 Response.Write D.VolumeName & chr(9) '卷标 Response.Write D.TotalSize & chr(9) '磁盘容量 Response.Write D.FreeSpace & chr(9) '剩余大小 Response.Write D.DriveType