80sec 感恩节事件分析

EMail: jianxin#80sec.com Site: http://www.80sec.com Date: 2011-11-30 From: http://www.80sec.com/ [ 目录 ] 0×00 事件背景 0×01 应急响应 0×02 事件分析 0×03 事件启示 0×04 总结 0×00 事件背景 在感恩节的晚上,我们的站点遭遇了攻击,几名未知性别的黑客成功

MS11-080 Afd.sys Privilege Escalation Exploit

http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18176/ ################################################################################ ######### MS11-080 - CVE-2011-2005 Afd.sys Privilege Escalation Exploit ######## #########         Author: ryujin@offsec.com - Matteo Memelli            ######## #########                      Spaghetti & Pwnsauce                     ######## #########              yuck! 0xbaadf00d Elwood@mac&cheese.com           ######## #########                                                               ######## #########      Thx to dookie(lifesaver)2000ca, dijital1 and ronin       ######## #########                        for helping out!                       ######## #########                                                               ######## #########                   To my Master Shifu muts:                    ######## #########           "So that's it, I just need inner peace?" ;)         ######## #########                                                               ######## #########        Exploit tested on the

Php安全新闻早8点(2011-11-28 星期一)

//2011-11-28 星期一 //程序员思想: <?   session_start();    $admin = $_POST['admin'];   $pass = md5($_POST['pass']);   $codes = $_POST['codes'];   if($_GET['action'])...{   if($result=$db->Execute("select * from x_admin where a_admin='".$admin."'"))...{    if($rs=mysql_fetch_object($result))...{   if($rs->a_pws==$pass)...{   //略  else...{    echo "<script>alert('帐号错误!');loc

Php安全新闻早8点(2011-11-27 星期日)

//2011-11-27 星期日 //正则实战(2): Preg_match验证URL $subscr=$_REQUEST['subscr'];  //url validation if (preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $subscr))  {  print "$subscr url OK.";  } else {  print "$subscr url not valid!";  }  //echo("$subscr");  ?>   用ereg进行邮箱验证: function validateMail($mail) {   if($mail !==

虐神百度小偷v1.0 前台GET SHELL

read.php 以下是引用片段: include( "require.php" ); if ( $cacheis == 1 && file_exists( "cache/read/".$_GET['id'].".html" ) ) //要开启缓存 {                 $filemtime = filemtime( "cache/read/".$_GET['id'].".html" );                 $dqtime = strtotime( date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) );                 $time = round( ( $dqtime - $filemtime ) / 60 );                 if ( $time < $rcachetime )                 {                                 include( "cache/read/".$_GET['id'].".html" );


刚学习PHP代码审核不久,打算下个PHP代码读读,去看了下源码站看到了几张诱惑的美图吸引我了,于是下载看了下, 漏洞鸡肋,这里简单描述下漏洞形

行业之星 0.87 注入漏洞

最近看Cond0r牛那么努力 我也跟后面了 admin/任何文件.php <?php        define('IN_OUN', true); include_once( "includes/command.php"); 再看 admin/includes/command.php <?php include_once( "../config.inc.php"); //省一段无用代码 include_once( ROOT_PATH."includes/language.php"); include_once( ROOT_PATH."includes/funcomm.php"); include_once( ROOT_PATH."class/mydb.php"); $oPub = new mydb($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpw,$dbname); $dbhost = $dbuser = $dbpw =

蓝海豚团购导航 V4.0.4 没修复上传漏洞

最近看Cond0r牛那么努力 我也跟后面了 以前发过旧版本漏洞 新版本依然没有修复 只是代码变了 editor\upload.php: <?php define('IN_PHPUP',1); define('ROOT_PATH',dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $root=str_replace('editor/upload.php','',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $uploaddir='data/upload/'.date('Y').'/'.date('m'); if($_FILES) {        

zhient 智睿企业多语版CMS通杀篇 看url 我就少打字  多图 注入吧 不撤了。 来通杀 禁止 js  ! Admin_Config.asp 验证问题 但是禁止了 JS 就可以了 后台篇: ============================= 这个ODAY放出前,就恐惧。。。会


随便翻了个文件 red.php 看代码 <? require_once("conn.php");?> <? $id=$_GET["id"]; $up="update cbody set h=h+1 where id=".$id.""; mysql_query($up) or die(mysql_error()); $sql=mysql_query("select * from cbody where id=".$id."") or die(mysql_error()); $rs=mysql_fetch_array($sql); $title=icid($rs["cid"]); $p=mysql_query("select count(*) from comm where cid=".$id."") or die(mysql_error()); $pl=mysql_fetch_array($p); $plr=mysql_query("select * from comm where cid=".$id." order by id desc") or die(mysql_error()); ?> 赤裸裸的注射,貌似可以直接修

行业之星 0.87 注入漏洞

代码。 vote.php if($_REQUEST['op'] == 'poll') {         if($_POST['op'] && $_POST['vtid']) //得Post提交上去         {                 /* 判断是否已经投过票 24 =86400 小时限制 */                 $times = 11600;                 $add_ip = true;         $ip = real_ip();                $db_table = $pre."vote_ip";             $sql = "SELECT add_time FROM ".$pre."vote_ip                        where vtid =


看代码 Index.class.php: …若干……… function search_action()         {                         $keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword'];                 if(empty($keyword))                 {                         exit;                 } ………若干…                 if($_REQUEST['brand'])                 {                         $container.="  AND brand = ".$_REQUEST['brand']; //你懂的                         $ext['brand'] = $_REQUEST['brand'];                 }        …