

更新时间:12-02-2011, 18:54




聊天框输入:!flare,在地上产生一个照明弹,可以设定颜色,红:!flare red,绿:!flare green,蓝:!flare blue,以此类推。

聊天框输入:!flareme,在身上挂一个照明弹,可以设定颜色,红:!flareme red,绿:!flareme green,蓝:!flareme blue,以此类推。


Usage: sm_flare <R G B|red|green|blue|purple|orange|yellow|white>

Optional: Color name trigger or 3 RGB values (-1 to 255) for light colour. The ground flare has an optional second set of RGB values to control extra smoke colour (env_steam) but if they are not specified the first set will be used.

sm_flare    // 在地上产生一个照明弹,可以设定颜色,说明如上。

sm_flareme  // 在自己身上产生一个照明弹,可以设定颜色,说明如上。


sm_flare 0 0 255   // 创建蓝色的照明弹在地上.

sm_flare green     // 创建绿色的照明弹在地上.

sm_flareme red     // 创建红色的照明弹在身上.


Usage: sm_flareclient <#user id|name> <R G B|red|green|blue|purple|orange|yellow|white>

Optional: Color name trigger or 3 RGB values (-1 to 255) for light colour. The ground flare has an optional second set of RGB values to control extra smoke colour (env_steam) but if they are not specified the first set will be used.

sm_flareclient     // Attach a flare on specified player.
sm_flareground     // Drop a flare next to specified player.

// Examples:
sm_flareclient Roch 0 0 255     // Creates a blue flare attached to Rochelle
sm_flareclient Nick green       // Creates a green flare attached to Nick
sm_flareground @survivors red   // Creates a red flare next to all survivors

sm_flaresave       // Spawns a flare at your crosshair and saves to config. Usage: sm_flaresave <r> <g> <b>.
sm_flareset        // Usage: sm_flareset <r> <g> <b>. Changes the nearest flare light color and saves to config.
sm_flarelist       // Display a list flare positions and the number of flares.
sm_flaredel        // Removes the flare you are nearest to and deletes from the config if saved.
sm_flareclear      // Removes all fire flares from the current map.
sm_flarewipe       // Removes all fire flares from the current map and deletes them from the config. 


// Attached flare
l4d_flare_attach_cmd_allow    "2"         // 0=Disable sm_self command. 1=Incapped only (not admins). 2=Any time. // Minimum: "0.000000" Maximum: "2.000000"
l4d_flare_attach_cmd_flags    ""          // Players with these flags may use the sm_flareme command. (Empty = all).
l4d_flare_attach_fuse         "1"         // Adds the pipebomb fuse particles to the flare.
l4d_flare_attach_light_allow  "1"         // 0=Off, 1=Attaches light_dynamic glow to the player.
l4d_flare_attach_light_colour "200 20 15" // Defines the light colour. RGB (red, green, blue) values (0-255).
l4d_flare_attach_stock        "1"         // 0=Off, 1=Adds The Sacrifice flare smoke particles.
l4d_flare_attach_time         "10.0"      // How long the attached flares should burn. 1 flare per player.

// Ground flare
l4d_flare_ground_cmd_allow    "2"         // 0=Disable sm_flare command. 1=Incapped only (not admins). 2=Any time.
l4d_flare_ground_cmd_flags    ""          // Players with these flags may use the sm_flare command. Empty = all.
l4d_flare_ground_fuse         "1"         // Adds the pipebomb fuse particles to the flare.
l4d_flare_ground_light_allow  "1"         // Light glow around flare. 0=Off, 1=light_dynamic, 2=point_spotlight. // Minimum: "0.000000" Maximum: "2.000000"
l4d_flare_ground_light_bright "255"       // Brightness of the light <10-255>. // Minimum: "10.000000" Maximum: "255.000000"
l4d_flare_ground_light_colour "200 20 15" // Defines the light colour. RGB (red, green, blue) values (0-255).
l4d_flare_ground_smoke_allow  "0"         // 0=Off, 1=Adds extra smoke to the flare (env_steam).
l4d_flare_ground_smoke_alpha  "60"        // Transparency of the extra smoke (10-255). // Minimum: "10.000000" Maximum: "255.000000"
l4d_flare_ground_smoke_colour "200 20 15" // Defines the extra smoke colour. RGB values must be between 0-255.
l4d_flare_ground_smoke_height "100"       // How tall the extra smoke should rise.
l4d_flare_ground_stock        "1"         // 0=Off, 1=Adds The Sacrifice flare smoke particles.
l4d_flare_ground_upgrade      "1"         // 0=Off, 1=Drop a flare when incendiary or explosive rounds are deployed.

// Plugin cvars
l4d_flare_allow               "1"         // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_flare_incapped            "1"         // Display flare when incapped. 0=Off, 1=On ground, 2=Attach to player.
l4d_flare_intro               "35.0"      // 0=Off, Show intro message in chat this many seconds after joining. // Minimum: "0.000000" Maximum: "120.000000"
l4d_flare_lock_colors         "0"         // 0=Let players edit light/smoke colors, 1=Force to cvar specified.
l4d_flare_max_total           "32"        // Limit the total number of simultaneous flares. // Minimum: "1.000000" Maximum: "32.000000"
l4d_flare_modes               ""          // Enable plugin on these gamemodes, separate by commas. (Empty = all)
l4d_flare_notify              "1"         // 0=Off, 1=Print hints to chat (requires translation file provided).
l4d_flare_time                "10.0"      // How long the flares should burn, blocks non-admins making flares also. // Minimum: "1.000000" Maximum: "120.000000"
l4d_flare_version                         // Flare plugin version.