<!--#include file="scanip.asp"-->
<%response.write Look_Ip("")%>
Function Look_Ip(IP)
Dim Wry, IPType, QQWryVersion, IpCounter
Set Wry = New TQQWry
IPType = Wry.QQWry(IP)
Look_Ip = Wry.Country & " " & Wry.LocalStr
End Function
Function GetIpInfoAv(IP, sType)
Dim Wry, IPType
Set Wry = New TQQWry
IPType = Wry.QQWry(IP)
Select Case sType
Case 1 GetIpInfoAv = "document.write(""" & IP & """);"
Case 2 GetIpInfoAv = "document.write(""" & Wry.Country & """);"
Case 3 GetIpInfoAv = "document.write(""" & Wry.LocalStr & """);"
Case Else GetIpInfoAv = "document.write(""您来自:" & IP & " 所在区域:" & Wry.Country & " " & Wry.LocalStr & """);"
End Select
End Function
Function WryInfo()
Dim Wry, IPType, QQWry(1)
Set Wry = New TQQWry
IPType = Wry.QQWry("")
QQWry(0) = Wry.Country & " " & Wry.LocalStr
QQWry(1) = Wry.RecordCount + 1
WryInfo = QQWry
End Function
Class TQQWry
Dim Country, LocalStr, Buf, OffSet
Private StartIP, EndIP, CountryFlag
Public QQWryFile
Public FirstStartIP, LastStartIP, RecordCount
Private Stream, EndIPOff
Private Sub Class_Initialize
Country = ""
LocalStr = ""
StartIP = 0
EndIP = 0
CountryFlag = 0
FirstStartIP = 0
LastStartIP = 0
EndIPOff = 0
QQWryFile = Server.MapPath("ScanIP.dat")
End Sub
Function IPToInt(IP)
Dim IPArray, i
IPArray = Split(IP, ".", -1)
FOr i = 0 to 3
If Not IsNumeric(IPArray(i)) Then IPArray(i) = 0
If CInt(IPArray(i)) < 0 Then IPArray(i) = Abs(CInt(IPArray(i)))
If CInt(IPArray(i)) > 255 Then IPArray(i) = 255
IPToInt = (CInt(IPArray(0))*256*256*256) + (CInt(IPArray(1))*256*256) + (CInt(IPArray(2))*256) + CInt(IPArray(3))
End Function
Function IntToIP(IntValue)
p4 = IntValue - Fix(IntValue/256)*256
IntValue = (IntValue-p4)/256
p3 = IntValue - Fix(IntValue/256)*256
IntValue = (IntValue-p3)/256
p2 = IntValue - Fix(IntValue/256)*256
IntValue = (IntValue - p2)/256
p1 = IntValue
IntToIP = Cstr(p1) & "." & Cstr(p2) & "." & Cstr(p3) & "." & Cstr(p4)
End Function
Private Function GetStartIP(RecNo)
OffSet = FirstStartIP + RecNo * 7
Stream.Position = OffSet
Buf = Stream.Read(7)
EndIPOff = AscB(MidB(Buf, 5, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 6, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 7, 1))*256*256)
StartIP = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 4, 1))*256*256*256)
GetStartIP = StartIP
End Function
Private Function GetEndIP()
Stream.Position = EndIPOff
Buf = Stream.Read(5)
EndIP = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 4, 1))*256*256*256)
CountryFlag = AscB(MidB(Buf, 5, 1))
GetEndIP = EndIP
End Function
Private Sub GetCountry(IP)
If (CountryFlag = 1 Or CountryFlag = 2) Then
Country = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 4)
If CountryFlag = 1 Then
LocalStr = GetFlagStr(Stream.Position)
If IP >= IPToInt("") And IP <= IPToInt("") Then
LocalStr = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 21)
Country = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 12)
End If
LocalStr = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 8)
End If
Country = GetFlagStr(EndIPOff + 4)
LocalStr = GetFlagStr(Stream.Position)
End If
Country = Trim(Country)
LocalStr = Trim(LocalStr)
'If InStr(Country, "CZ88.NET") Then Country = "114XP.CN"
'If InStr(LocalStr, "CZ88.NET") Then LocalStr = "114XP.CN"
End Sub
Private Function GetFlagStr(OffSet)
Dim Flag
Flag = 0
Do While (True)
Stream.Position = OffSet
Flag = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
If(Flag = 1 Or Flag = 2 ) Then
Buf = Stream.Read(3)
If (Flag = 2 ) Then
CountryFlag = 2
EndIPOff = OffSet - 4
End If
OffSet = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256)
Exit Do
End If
If (OffSet < 12 ) Then
GetFlagStr = ""
Stream.Position = OffSet
GetFlagStr = GetStr()
End If
End Function
Private Function GetStr()
Dim c
GetStr = ""
Do While (True)
c = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
If (c = 0) Then Exit Do
If c > 127 Then
If Stream.EOS Then Exit Do
GetStr = GetStr & Chr(AscW(ChrB(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & ChrB(C)))
GetStr = GetStr & Chr(c)
End If
End Function
Public Function QQWry(DotIP)
Dim IP, nRet
Dim RangB, RangE, RecNo
IP = IPToInt (DotIP)
Set Stream = CreateObject("ADodb.Stream")
Stream.Mode = 3
Stream.Type = 1
Stream.LoadFromFile QQWryFile
Stream.Position = 0
Buf = Stream.Read(8)
FirstStartIP = AscB(MidB(Buf, 1, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 2, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 3, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 4, 1))*256*256*256)
LastStartIP = AscB(MidB(Buf, 5, 1)) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 6, 1))*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 7, 1))*256*256) + (AscB(MidB(Buf, 8, 1))*256*256*256)
RecordCount = Int((LastStartIP - FirstStartIP)/7)
' 在数据库中找不到任何IP地址
If (RecordCount <= 1) Then
Country = "未知"
QQWry = 2
Exit Function
End If
RangB = 0
RangE = RecordCount
Do While (RangB < (RangE - 1))
RecNo = Int((RangB + RangE)/2)
Call GetStartIP (RecNo)
If (IP = StartIP) Then
RangB = RecNo
Exit Do
End If
If (IP > StartIP) Then
RangB = RecNo
RangE = RecNo
End If
Call GetStartIP(RangB)
Call GetEndIP()
If (StartIP <= IP) And ( EndIP >= IP) Then
' 没有找到
nRet = 0
' 正常
nRet = 3
End If
Call GetCountry(IP)
QQWry = nRet
End Function
Private Sub Class_Terminate
On ErrOr Resume Next
If Err Then Err.Clear
Set Stream = Nothing
End Sub
End Class